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Hedgerow Kitchen - Elderflower Cordial

  • Y25E7T3 Goreybridge, WX, Y25 E7T3 Ireland (map)

Throughout the year the hedgerows and woodlands of Ireland are full of delicious foods to harvest and use in a range of recipes, many going back thousands of years, others a little more contemporary.Join Lorraine from for all things elderflower.

Elderflower cordial is a terribly handy item to have in the kitchen, add to sparkling wine for an easy summer cocktail, drizzel over fruit or use instead of lemon to create a gorgeous rich alternative to lemon drizzle. Learn hoe to gather, store and prepare your flower heads and return home with enough syrup to last you all summer.

What’s Included?

  • All supplementary ingredients to your recipe

  • Emailed PDF of recipes for future use

  • Made using a traditional recipe using honey instead of processed sugar from Tara Hill Honey


€65 per adult

For further information and to purchase tickets from through the link below.

18 May

Chocolate and Cocktail Evening

1 July

Wexford Strawberry Weekend